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Scrambling Skills for Hillwalkers

Out on the excellent grade 1 scramble the North Ridge of Tryfan yesterday with Paula and Sally. We spent the day looking at the skills needed to make the step from hillwalking to scrambling. We started with some basic movement skills - mostly the importance of paying attention to where you put your feet, how to use foot holds and some basic climbing moves. As we made our way up we discussed route finding and following the route - how to identify a good way up, striking the balance between keeping it exciting but not too exciting!

Although a rope isn't really necessary on grade 1 terrain knowing how to use one could be useful one day - conditions change, you may stray onto something a bit steeper than planned or you want to take on higher grade scrambles. We spent a bit of time practicing some simple rope skills - no fancy climbing kit just the rope.

We took on all the good steep bits of the route before descending part way down the South Ridge and returning via the Heather Terrace.

If you would like to learn some scrambling skills please get in touch or keep an eye out for my next Scrambling Skills for Hillwalkers courses.

Practicing rope work

Cannon Stone

Adam and Eve

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